Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another Sporadic Update

First day of summer yesterday, a little trip to the beach, too lazy to carry my shoes, hot sand, fairly severe burns on my soles and toes. Clinic appointment today. Just proves I don't get out enough.

Falstaff's listening more, but I'm still not sure he's the right dog for me. It's still REALLY hard to get him to listen with all the stuff out there -- birds other dogs, what Sturmz is doing, all those smells. Reminds me of the guy who hits the mule over the head with a 2x4 and says, "First, you gotta get his attention."

I'm still working too much, but the Hudsons (my weekend job employers) are headed for Maui at beginning of July for a month. Not a moment too soon for me to get weekends off. Yard sales! Church! Naps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I saw your "ad" for Falstaff on and he's so adorable! I can't get a dog now, but was wondering if you are still going to have him for a while/still have him now? I'm going to grad school in a year and want to get my own dog (family has a Golden, my baby, but don't want to take her from them when I leave). Let me know if you can and what your preferences are. Do you think he'd make a good SAR dog? That's what I want to get into eventually. Thanks! Email me at, my name's Emily.